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Greenline.Org is a Non-Profit Organization with a Mission to:

1.      Stop “Red-Lining” (Economic Discrimination)

2.      Support Financial Justice for Historically Discriminated Persons and Communities

3.      Support Tax Freedom and Civil and Voting Rights for the Citizens of the District of Columbia, USA.

4.      Support Education on Issues regarding Financial Justice and Social Justice

5.      Advocate on Issues and Support Lobbying Efforts that Align with our Principles and Mission as allowed by law for Non-Profits.

6.      Support Education in General as well as Training in Multiple Disciplines and areas of study to set free the minds of  the poor and oppressed.

7.      Do whatever is necessary to help people that need it most.

8.      Operate by the Golden Rule:  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

9.      Focus on Family Enrichment and Marriage as the Key Institution to strengthen all other institutions and thereby all Economies.

10.  Work with other groups and institutions to bring social and economic justice to all.



For more Information, Contact:



P.O.B. 90717

Washington, DC 20090


C/O  Guy Durant, President
